sábado, 22 de julho de 2017


                    In the mesh of a network placed by the federal revenue of Brazil, may be behind a well-structured gang that diverts taxpayers' money in their income tax refunds, a fact already proven by several Brazilians who did not know that there was a refund and after entering In an APP of the state banks, Caixa and Banco do Brasil found that there was a refund and that they were never informed.

                  The right to restitution of income tax is given to all Brazilian taxpayers whose statement has already been audited and there are no errors or failures about them and no doubt of the tax authorities to issue any undue payment, is the approval that the statement is correct Free from eros or faults. The income tax refund is a right, in the process of returning the income tax to be refunded, the taxpayer informs his or her account in the declaration may be the current or savings account of a state or private bank and the Federal revenue transfers the Money and has the obligation to audit the process until the end when it receives from the banks if the client received the money, in case the taxpayer does not withdraw from the bank the money returns the Federal revenue and gra tax credit to the taxpayer and the amounts are readjusted as per The period without loss of the right to a refund.

                In an audit initiated by a taxpayer in his 1998/1999 income tax return he discovered that his refund should have been deposited in his savings account that is in the city of Recife in the state of pernambuco and the money was diverted to a branch of the cashier Federal economy in another state in the interior of Bahia, the money disappeared, the gang formed in the Federal Revenue, to disappear with the money and neither notify the client that change the address of the same, go in the income tax return that was ok and fraud , Placing a debt with the IRS to keep the money returned by the bank and not withdrawn by the client, closing the accounts of the gang, the taxpayer learned after an audit that is doing this month after being released his password to access the system CAC Of the Federal revenue.

                 In the audit, more deviations from the taxpayer's refund by the IRS were found in the declarations of: 2000/20001, 2001/2002 and 2002/2003, which did the same process, to send the refund to the wrong bank the money back Because the taxpayer was not warned and did not withdraw from the bank, the gang goes into the system changes the income tax return that had been released without debt and implants a ghost debt in the statement and the final result is almost zero and the taxpayer was not Warned of nothing and his money disappeared with the gang.

                   These taxpayers are prosecuted by the gang who manipulate their income tax return, in the 2007/2008, 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 statements the gang changes the amounts of the deductions from the original taxpayer's statement to generate tax payable when the statement Had been delivered as proof of delivery and no doubt regarding the taxpayer's income tax exemption, in addition to suffering serious illness since 2000. In the fraud made by the gang, opened wrong processes that went to the PGFN (Attorney General of the National Treasury) that does not audit anything, and the worst that fraudulates the values ​​of the lawsuits, initially put in federal court, the judge orders to file and PGFN does not do , Enter a process at the state level and the judge orders to file, the PGFN does not and uses the fraud of the stock values ​​proven in the difference between the values ​​of the lawsuits filed and the illegally placed as in a notary to collect a debt that does not Exists and the values ​​are 300% lower, which already counts an action against the PGFN of moral damages and embarrassment to put a greater value in the state justice, besides being illegal the collection in notary by the judgment of the action in court did not give right The PGFN to make any charge since for justice there is no debt of the taxpayer and the process has been prescribed and was not written off by the PFGN which is another illegality of the PGFN, which continues With fraud and legal unlawfulness.

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