domingo, 16 de julho de 2017


                       The world did not know more than a hundred years ago that the small stamps that were and are required to have in the letters sent around the world, every decade their values ​​would be increased in a financial exponential never seen, become a true inheritance of a grandfather To their future grandchildren if they were well taken care of and kept by the heirs, who in many cases ended up scorning or passing on the inheritance and lost a future one of the world's largest financial investments.

                      Many families still have not discovered the millions that exist behind the old, rare and perfect seals, considering that there is no financial value for stamps with defects of production due to errors, the true original stamps have no flaws and these are the millionaires, because of their origin and conservation , Leaving no doubt of its historical, cultural value of a nation of a people and a country.

                      Several collectors in the world invest billions in daily trades, sometimes gather in secret places to close the million-dollar sale of the stamps, to avoid speculation on the print and the authorities. There are auctions around the world but they do not always carry the true rare and flawless seals they use in their selling process to sell what does not have a standard quality origin of the original seal and induces buyers to buy seals that are worth nothing and sometimes end Paying millions for them.

                       With the information gaining more speed through the modern and everyday world each day, with the introduction of new equipment and apps, the news is coming at the speed of light and several families end up discovering that the old collection of stamps that was the grandfather or the His great-grandfather is worth millions, after organizing and cataloging it and ending up having his estate increased as a dream, do not let your dream end up investing in stamps.

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