domingo, 16 de julho de 2017


                The change in Brazil's economic strategy, in reducing maximum interest for all sectors of the economy and especially the individual who forms the basis of the pyramid and support economic stability. The new maximum interest rate will be 3% per annum in all financial transactions for individuals and corporations, which will receive from the main sources of the federal government the financing originated by: Banco do Brasil, Caixa Econômica Federal, Banco do Nordeste, BNDES (National Development Bank). BNDES financing will be made without using private banks, cutting the agile financial resources available for financing.
                  Brazilian workers mostly pay income tax, and the federal government does not update the correction table in the correct way and puts more taxpayers in each year, the money goes to the IRS that sends to the government cashier at the Central Bank And at any time a single pennant of a minister drags billions to the BNDES that may be for a single company to be financed and this procedure will be blocked as of the new project any transfer of funds between the Central Bank and BNDES will have to have the signatures The President of the Republic, the President of the TCU (Audit Court of the Union) who will audit where the money will go and on what project; The income tax table will be updated by 50% as of January 2018 and will be adjusted by 3% pa ​​(per year).
               The CADIN will be remodeled, there will be no blockade in the federal government's financial institutions, preventing the opening of a current quota in Caixa Econômica Federal, Banco do Brasil, Banco do Nordeste and BNDES, all will be entitled to account opening and bank financing, Maximum interest of 3% pa ​​(per year). In order to purchase federal government assets, federal and state court auctions, labor courts and long-term payments under auction offer, in addition to payment of debts to CADIN and other agencies, the interest rate will be 3% per year ( Per year) and will be calculated each year and will not be increased every month as it is done illegally today and will add further fees on the monthly increase.
                The forecast of the annual trade balance will be US $ 1,000,000,000,000.00, resulting in increased productivity, employment generation, reduction of inflation to 3% pa ​​(year), SELIC rate 3% per year ), Reduction of bureaucracy in inbound and outbound operations, facilitating the logistics of export operations, investments in small and medium-sized enterprises to enable export of their products, increases in all infrastructure support products will not exceed 3 % Pa (per year).

                     The new economic plan will enable the total increase of the march factor of the production units, to attend to the internal or external market, and hiring of new employees to meet the demand of the production, will be integrated the process of making operations feasible at the lowest operating cost and with In the case of companies of the federal government or that include as shareholder the BNDES, will have to have in their permanent management in the company the TCU that will audit the steps of the company if it is in agreement with the Legal norms and ethics of the federal government, as well as tracing federal government resources employed in the company.
                      With the new economic plan of interest of 3% per year, it will end the bankruptcy of the individual provided by the federal government, which began in the era of former President Lula, when they robbed the worker's right to retire with 10 wages Minimum and many had already reached more than 70% of the right, then the difference between the increase in wages and the SELIC interest rate was taking away the buying power of the Brazilians, who pay in practice on a financing of their house and their Car,, end up paying 2.5 houses and 2.5 cars, the highest interest in the world plus the Brazilian became hostage of credit cards charge 550% pa (interest) and with the new economic plan banks Will only be able to charge 3% per year (per year) on any operation and nothing else, if there is illegal collection will be fined US $ 10,000,000.00 per customer.

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