segunda-feira, 10 de julho de 2017


                    IIn Brazil the PGFN (Attorney General of the National Farm), has been handling wrong processes initiated by the Federal Revenue, which are not audited when it squeezes in the PGFN, an error of the Federal Revenue Service (RFB) was the income tax payments that were forgiven By former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and were not discharged in the RFB system that open illegal collection process against individual taxpayers and PGFN did not audit due and followed suit, another case where the RFB itself directed the Individual taxpayer Physicist to declare their annual income a spreadsheet of earnings abroad in the annual income tax return, since there is the same spreadsheet for individuals for gains in Brazil after taxpayers send their statements automatically entered into a fine mesh , Where the RFB wants to illegally charge 25% of foreign earnings as if the Brazilian were living abroad, without being careful of aud Passport and the taxpayer's exit, the RFB sends to the PGFN that it does not audit anything or the taxpayer's passport to verify if the Brazilian was abroad or not and continues with an illegal process once more against the individual, where The biggest culprit for the mistake was the RFB itself that advised the taxpayer to put their annual and monthly income in the Overseas Revenue worksheet for not having in the system of declaration a worksheet of Revenues in Brazil and thus the individual taxpayer will face illegal processes In the PGFN that does not audit the RFB and accept errors in favor of illegal processes.

                     The profile of the illegality in the PGFN that put the illegal processes against the Brazilian taxpayers, and also blocks the same the source of resources with lower interest of the market putting their name in the CADIN, joins the phantom processes mounted in the RFB to cover the diamond To the national treasury of more than 100 Billion Reais in the last 12 years. In the process of initially charging the PGFN the Federal Court case in a lawsuit against the taxpayer who may never receive the notice because of the mafia in the RFB of the refund fraud of the Income tax where they change the address and number of the taxpayer's deposit account and the money is diverted to another state and the taxpayer will never receive it, the gang takes advantage of and changes the taxpayer's address and blocks access on the virtual site Of the national farm, where the account was changed and the address, but the taxpayer does not have access to this information. Thus the process opened illegally in the federal court, with the help of a competent judge returns the case to the PGFN and files because it is illegal, or the period of 5 years the process loses legal validity, and the worst thing for the taxpayers is to see their Goods at an auction without knowing what is happening and not being warned.
                      The PGFN does not comply with the order of the federal judge if it finds more power than the law of Brazil and commits a serious error of not to file the illegal process determined by the federal judge and enters with a new process in the state justice, where comes another numbering and In the legal unlawfulness committed by the PGFN that did not consider the 5 years as determined by law the process is given low and filed, but the PGFN is superior to justice, law and order and continuity to the old process with another plaque as well as a Car that has been stolen or cloned, and once again gets the PGFN to stain the PGFN with the imprint of legal illegality as stamp, and in the state justice process, the judge finds two illegalities, the first the exponential increase of a debt and the second to Lack of documentary basis to generate the process and has to suspend the process and file it in definitive. The PGFN once again runs the legal unlawfulness without legal justification to support an illegal process initiated in the RFB, once again makes a great mistake and fraudulent debt that does not exist, sending to the registry a collection of rotten titles of a Debt that does not exist of the taxpayer, puts the rotten title of collection in the registry not so much that the value of the action in the justice showing the lack of legal ethics of PGFN, and in a dirty game to PGFN like a head of a gang or of a Mafia, burns the taxpayer in SERASA which is an institution that informs the condition of default of the taxpayers through its registry that is the CPF document, the criminal fact that the PGFN did not comply with the federal or state judicial determination and did not file the lawsuit Illegally over 8 years of age, causes moral damages and taxpayer embarrassment in addition to serious financial damage, as taxpayers are forced to Due to having lower interest rate financing and in Caixa Econômica Federal and Banco do Brasil, do not open current accounts and do not release financing to taxpayers who are in CADIN or SERASA , And the mission of PGFN in Brazil and in the state of Pernambuco is notAct like a gang of mafiosos who do not respect the law in force and try to kill the taxpayer every day and yes it is from the legality to the process and audit the mafias and frauds in the RFB through the federal police and not kill the taxpayers this is not the mission Of PGFN.

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