quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2016


          A walterfall effect fell in the US, Donald Trump who at the beginning of the election to President, was given as a letter out, an apprentice and trainee, in the strategy change concentrated and imagined, as in a game of chance that the more you lose the more ariscar , the greater would be the chance to move to another turn, and win the presidency, plus the fame of billionaire become a superhero entitled to a movie in hollywoold and an eternal statue.

        President Obama has done a great job of recovering the US economy, while helping to fight terrorism in the world, and helping nations, with the help of the ever-present and competent candidate Rillary Cilliton, my friend Obama is so good that Helped up the Hotels and Casinos networks of Donald Trump with improved economy, and memories of unpaid federal taxes were forgotten, helped the world and the US with effective management, security and social support.

       In the election poll and performance of the experts in the 2016 election for US president was an ugly eras failure, they forgot that they were not giving coverage to an election in Brazil, where the poorest people more were excluded in the election process with the deployment of electronic ballot boxes And several years titles are canceled without justification, and this year the STF canceled voters' titles in biometrics, withdrawing the right of several cities that had more than 200,000 voters, have the second round by cancellation, wounding the Brazilian constitution and becoming one of the largest Parties, the IBGE does not re-register poor people for more than 10 years.

      The US election model is also criticized worldwide, the bands that determine delegates, my class of FIB and NASA friends, and the military, are seeing a lot of power in party delegates, and perhaps the model Of the direct vote with the people, would be the most effective way, to give right to all, without discrimination: religion, race, color or sex.

     For my friend Obama, I would be elected President of the Americas, with the objective of developing trade between the Americas: North, Central and South, with the objective of standardizing: interest of banks for individuals and legal entities, education, health, human capital, currency , Global auditing in the accounts of governments, social development, eliminate drugs, weapons, and wars, in a same pattern another President in another front my relatives: the prince of the United Kingdom or the prince of Sweden for: United Kingdom, Europe, Africa, Asia among others.

     I hope to receive the invitation of the festivities: farewell to Obama, President Trump's right-of-way, President Obama of the Americas, and his cousins ​​as president of UEAFA.

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