terça-feira, 29 de novembro de 2016


               One of the biggest tax evaders, according to several reports in which he says that he never paid any taxes, founder of COOPERFLU - Cooperativa Fluminense de Productores de Açúcar e Álcool Ltda, where founder Antônio Evaldo Inojosa de Andrade, Pernambucano, settled in Rio de Janeiro and Formed through its political influence and its work, one of the largest group of power plants in Brazil.

             Even though he was in the federal government, according to the reports, businessman Antônio Evaldo Inojosa de Andrade never liked to pay taxes, other than debts from private banks, which had to honor them. But the investments grew as well as their equity over the years and also accompanied a huge tax debt, which according to the information was not paid, left to the future.

           With the fall in the price of sugar on the international market, the company's debt worsened, and collection actions began to appear and made it difficult to manage the business, especially the credit in the market, as working capital and mainly the maintenance required both in the area Rural and industrial, not to mention labor liabilities that do not strictly comply with the payments could further aggravate the company's situation.

           It was an hour later that the credits ended up with the debts of taxes, suppliers, and the main one to labor which aggravated the natural bankruptcy of the company that wanted to invest in a new plant in the city of Barra in the State of Bahia where Antônio Evaldo Inojosa de Andrade bought 84,064 hectares of land for the installation of a new sugar mill in the northeast region, and all areas would be irrigated.

       Among several lawsuits, PGFN filed a lawsuit at TRF2 (FEDERAL FEDERAL COURT), in the city of Campo dos Goytacazes, State of Rio de Janeiro, whose case number: 0000533-13.2002.4.02.5103) to PGFN Against Antônio Evaldo Inojosa de Andrade, in addition to the assets placed in an auction in the state of Rio de Janeiro to settle part of the debt with the PGFN, six farms were seized in the city of Barra, in the State of Of Bahia whose owner is Antônio Evaldo Inojosa de Andrade, as he passed away the lawsuit was against his estate, whose precatory letter sent by the Federal Court of Rio de Janeiro, generated a lawsuit in the region of Barra in the state of Bahia n: 0001068-28.2014. 8.05.0016 whose evaluation of the six farms was of R $ 4,203,700.00 was marked an auction for 23/11/2016.

                 As a norm, auctions of amounts above R $ 1,000,000.00, such as the auctions of VASP's farm, airports, and other UNIÂO auctions, are accepted annual installments without monetary correction, interest or any rate on them, are installments Fixed. A friend of mine, when consulting the PGFN headquarters of the DF (Federal District) about the purchase of lots: 1,3,4,5,6 and 7 of the auction on 11/23/2016, of the farms of COOPERFLU, Antônio Evaldo Inojosa de Andrade, for payment in 10 annual fixed installments, and the response that the offer should be made to PGFN of the state where the auction would be taking place, and could send an e-mail of the offer before the auction. The friend sent a 04/11/2016 consultation with a pre-offer in the value of the evaluation of the six farms of COOPERFLU for PGFN in the state of Bahia, on November 21, 2016 sent to PGfn of Salvador and Barreiras an offer of 10 Annual installments starting on 12/01/2016 and the last 12/01/2025 with a fixed amount of R $ 420,370.00 per plot for lots: 1,3,4,5,6 and 7. On 11/22/2016 my friend sent a new purchase proposal to the PGFN of Salvador and Barreiras, and sent a copy to the auctioneer, with a 5% increase on the value of the valuation totaling R $ 4,413,360.00 to be Paid in 10 fixed annual installments to 1) 01/12/2016 R $ 441,360.00 and the last one to 10) 01/12/2025 R $ 441,360.00, and to buy the farms according to lots of the auction in the city of Barra in Bahia in the other 23/11/2016: 1) Fazenda Brejo Seco 35,000 hectares R $ 1,837,500.00, 3) Fazenda Umbuzeiro 15,000 hectares R $ 787,500.00, 4) Fazenda Murici 12,494 hectares R $ 655,935.00, 5) Fazenda Buritu 10.000 hectares R $ 525,000.00, 6) Fazenda Umbunzeiro 9,000 hectares R $ 472,500.00 and last lot 7) Fazenda Murici 2,570 hectares R $ 134,925.00.

        By CPC / 2015 the new Brazilian civil code my friend had the highest bid above the assessment at 5% was no longer needed the auction for the value of the debt in favor of PGFN by more than 100%, the entire purchase offer as We speak in proposal should be forwarded with the values ​​and dates that the installments will be paid, as well as the condition, and when the amounts above R $ 1,000.00.00 in reais there is negotiation of annual installment payment with fixed installments, so the bid was the Winner of the auction that would still have an advantage over the individual bids of each lot, in the case were given in 6 lots of the seven at auction.

         Looking like a ghost movie, but it was true, it comes on the scene a federal court judge in Rio de Janeiro enters the main proceedings, incidentally after the offer of purchase sent by my friend on 11/22/2016 and takes all process Against COOPERFLU and states that the main shareholder Antônio Evaldo Inojosa de Andrade and his estate has nothing to do with COOPERFLU's debt and eliminates the process from the wrong way, takes away the farms from the auction that would be sold to my friend, You do not really know which friend I also wanted to buy and did not have money, but it was not mine, a legal aberration never seen in Brazil and the farms sold to my friend with the offers registered in the PGFN of Salvador And Barriers were taken by a federal judge, who was not the holder of the stick but gave a red card to democracy and clean justice.

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