terça-feira, 29 de novembro de 2016


          The concrete facts in several processes in the PGFN, which do not exist or are fraud committed by the employees of RECEITA FEDERAL, in addition to information from the Bank of Brazil and the Federal Savings Bank of a database of customers or loans made with banking institutions The federal government, city halls and state government.

         Several lawsuits that are barred by the federal court for lack of legal basis or prescription (expired) and were sent to file by the federal judges, the PGFN did not obey the order of the judges and diverted the lawsuits for state courts, with a new case number Contrary to the federal superior court order, promotes a serious misconduct in the Brazilian legal system, not respecting the fraudulent constitution the date of the fraudulent process, place the value of compound interest over a fraud and leading several Brazilians to pay with Your assets a debt that never existed because it is a fraud.

          For the analyzed processes, the fraud in the PGFN, begins with the era of the minister Mantega and his staff of aloprados, that had a base of employees of the Bank of Brazil and of the Federal economic Caixa. The vision was to divert public money from the national treasury and the BNDES, as well as tax exemptions for white-line companies, automobile manufacturers, export taxes on products and other facilities. The unlawful act generated a billion dollar crash in the federal government's cash, was already planned, and the only way to cover the rhombus was to generate false debts and on top of the individuals or corporations, with the data of the banks of Brazil and Caixa Economica, And a vast registry in the Federal Revenue, in addition to data from prefectures and state governments, would be mounted a false list of debtors to cover the rhyme of the billions stolen and stolen from the national treasury,

           The strategy to generate a false billionaire list of debtors was to set up the CADIN, would be the great solution by the maestro Mantega and his team to cover the diamond in the national treasure, out of nothing were appearing debts of the Federal Revenue in person that never existed, then in Small, medium and large companies used compound interest to boost the value of fraud and quickly raise a supposed credit for union while emptying the treasury, giving money and tax exemptions to multinationals and various companies.

          In an audit in small towns in Pernambuco, it was possible to perceive the size of the fraud caused by the scheme, by entering the debtors' system and taking the ratio of companies by city 80%, were blacklisted by CADIN as debtors, A company that never came to bill a million a year something frightening, in the rural area farmers as well as entrepreneurs who do not bill a million a year, now has a millionaire debt with CADIN and PGFN and federal revenue, something mounted and of great revolt By all that from nothing they happened to be dead men of a gang mounted for frauds and to rob the Brazilian town.

            On the other line of fraud was the change in income tax, such as a deviation from the income tax refund made on the deposit in non-customer ghost accounts, and the money disappeared from various income tax refunds, which were stolen by Federal filings, were also blacklisted by CADIN, and after filing federal lawsuits that they had filed, and PGFN tricked the lawsuit and sent another case to state Taxpayers defrauded by the coup of defaulted refunds are now in a fraudulent action by the PGFN in state court at risk of losing their assets.

            There is an urgent investigation of the federal police on the list of CADIN whose base is mostly a fraud, set up by the Ministry of Finance, Federal Revenue and PGFN, investigate diverted refunds of taxpayers to a ghost account, cross the account that Was deposited the money from the refunds with the taxpayers' CPF and will have a billion dollar list of public money evasion that began in 1999 to date, the gang changes the address of the taxpayers and never know about the refunds and any statement of the Revenue Federal, State or Federal Court, PGFN, Federal or State Court. Based on the crossing of money stolen from taxpayer refunds the Federal Police will arrive at the gang and taxpayers who are not warned of fraud and in the Federal Revenue system itself which is a fraud does not indicate in That checking account or saving the refund money has been deposited and neither the taxpayer can upgrade their account in the federal revenue system a true gang.

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