terça-feira, 29 de novembro de 2016


      The basic interest rate in Brazil is a real fraud against Brazilians, the Central Bank and together with the Minister of Finance, they sell that a meeting with the COPOM committee, which are the legal representatives of private bank lenders, control a Interest rate that is inflation, and the table sells which is an anchor against inflation, but it is all a untruth.

      Brazil, the biggest default is the bankers who owe billions to the union, the main ones being Itaú and Bradesco, the federal government should take the shares of Bradesco and Itaú to pay its billion dollar debt in favor of the union, for Tax evasion, swindling of the islands in marvelous accounts of intangible tax-deductible expenses, and both federal tax evaders, using a tax evasion fund, and offering millions to have their billion dollar debt erased on a keyboard.

        The federal government did not take the shares of Bradesco and Itaú, and did not incorporate the two banks that were broken into the federal government along with the Brazilian bank's network, increasing the strength of the federal government and putting a basic interest rate of 3% per year for all loans Person and legal entity, and heat the economy and generate income, work and heating in the market. The federal government to help friends lending bankers and tax evaders has raised the Selic rate to 14% per year and help break the Brazilian economy in favor of recovering two bankrupt Itaú and Bradesco banks and putting millions of unemployed and employees in despair with The increase of the interest of the own house, financing, overdraft and credit card. As proof of the fraud of the federal government with the Brazilian people, are disabling agencies is the Bank of Brazil itself, will lay off employees to help Banks Bradesco and Itaú, this is the philosophy of the Minister of Finance and the President of the Republic of Brazil Temer .

          In 2017 the closing of the COPOM in January that has no function in favor of the economy to make feasible the new draft fixed rate of 1% pa and fixed interest rate for any loan is individual, or independent legal if it is accessor of the President Of the Republic or a street washer that wants to buy a washing machine and become an individual micro-entrepreneur, the goal is to break the high interest rates of private banks and increase the market for Banco do Brasil, Caixa Econômica Federal, Banco do Nordeste do Brasil and Form a task force of 3% pa ​​rate that increase the agencies of the federal government banks, dismiss the incompetent farm minister and the President of the central bank both did not fulfill the commitment with the Brazilian people and put a minister and a President who did not Get compliments of bankers, Brazil needs to change and have to start in January 2017 if the current President has a bit of character to take this attitude that everyone hopes to warm the economy of Brazil and prevent several cases that in desperation the unemployed Brazilians Killed him and his family for not supporting the current situation.

         The President of Brazil and the current Minister of Finance are cowards with people, they sold that everything would change, I in particular never believed I always thought that the act of sending Dilma, although it was a mere exchange of actors and authors, in a play that is In poster for several years and never changes. The Brazilians are the only ones in the world who pay in a financing of a car pay two and a half cars, a house or an apartment pay two and a half if it is financed financed a motorcycle or a bicycle They pay two and a half, a veritable fraud against a nation, the largest in the world, whose masters are always billionaires and the workers who are in government always win million millions to never change the music of a fraud, to celebrate the billions Of interest they earn each year.

            At the end of the loop, made a millenarian traditional vaquejada in northeastern Brazil, where two cowboys wait to release the ox, and between the two horses the ox shoots straight, the cowboys rush to knock down the ox between two demarcated line in a sand lane Cute to not hurt the ox and falls between the lines the people shouts: Valeu o Boi !!!!!, refrão of a song that makes cry several passionate hearts and the dance of a forró in one drags the foot two there and Two here to celebrate a victory and a key of a new double cabin van, was just a dream of a people when it comes on the scene as a Hollywood novel or movie the STF (Supreme Federal Court) and determines that a law in the state of My beloved Ceará, who wanted to make a popular party a law, the STF mostly determined the illegality of the vaquejada that mistreats the Ox, never an ox died in a vaquejada that I went to see, only they are treated like king in a great popular spectacle, A proof of the bankruptcy of federal institutions in Brazil that does not bind its people.

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