sexta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2016



             In Brazil discovered by Cabral to date nothing has changed, we are seen as a country of the third world where the people serves only as a manipulation tool and stepping stone to get to power, eternal slavery we pay the highest interest of the world's largest tax the world's income, and received the worst salary of the universe, the federal government responsibility for health was sold to private enterprise, the same process in education with the universities, and in social security that were passed on to the banker friends breaking the INSS and Brazilians who were entitled to 10 minimum wages and the class of LULA THERE lowered to 5 minimum wages gifted bankers and made friends Getulio Vargas shaking.               

             In view of the future without Ministers that keeps the Selic rate at 14,00% per year swap exchange reverse and debt securities Brazilian public in euro and dollar ending the central bank reserves to help shell companies, bankers, money laundering and slush in exchange for no friendship can keep up with salary of poor minister of a country third world and before earning million per month, of course the President of the Bank and the ministers on the economic area receive the same amount of private banks or more the kind of stealing the people's money and give the moneylenders bandits. to deceive the people current management is not talking to fix the interest rate of 3,00% per year and Selic rate of 3,00% per year to physical or legal person regardless of whether it is a civil servant, pensioner or producer rurai, this will be the target by 2020 even break the former friends moneylenders bankers, but do not go breaking Brazil.              

           ffechadl Insurance passed on to friends moneylenders bankers now say that this broken, and want to break from time to rapassar for bankers friends what's left but was federal government transferred to private banks at the beginning of the era of LULA THERE. NEW PREVI INSS SA will be the new Social Security INSS Brazil, will have the same profile and management model of private enterprise all official federal, state and municipal levels will be transferred to NEW PREVI INSS SA, which do not have salary threshold to be paid will depend on the public employees contribution and the private sector, not will charge income tax on the amount paid will be exempt from 100% in the annual declaration of income tax, invested or withdrawn, work with management model of private enterprise, SA will become a capital company  100% of the federal government audited by two major audits of the world beyond auditing the federal government process. Can a new customer buying years as investment retirement 10 years or more does not matter, your investment will be calculated by the value of retirement will not limit, the more he invest the greater the value . The accepts the transfer of investors customers particular security for the INSS without paying income tax on the operation .The private companies you place your private pension in managing NEW PREVI INSS SA have reduced their taxes and their employees. The company's goal. NEW PREVI INSS SA will 2020 hold 80% of market share and be among the 10 largest in the world.           

        The broken health strategy will assemble the  COMPANY INSS HEALTH  AND LIFE SA 100% privately owned by the federal government take over the management of hospitals, modernize included expansion, mounting health insurance and life insurance, will include all employees of federal, state and municipal governments, the mission will compete with health plans, life and private hospitals to remove the private sector mainly bankers reverse, consolidate the network of public hospitals make them particularly pradrāo, met will all be in the same hospital and increase the yields throughout Brazil, companies and individual, or entity who transfer their health plans for the COMPANY INSS HEALTH AND lIFE SA expenses and investments will have 100% of the discounted value in the declaration of income tax, and security and health insurance and life included in the plans.

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