quinta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2016


       The error from the beginning was the strategy that the TSE. - SUPERIOR COURT ELECTION, used for biometrics deployment process, whose aim was toidentify the voter in the electronic ballot box before voting to block fake voter or the ghost of the vote

      In practice Thr COURT REGIONAL ELECTIONS, adopted the wrong logistics strategy, the model was passive to expect poor people to be up to the headquarters of the courts in the comfort of a public official and when beat on the door were not met and returned home without money for another trip, others have had no money to go, the electronic scheduling resulted in idleness of court officials not working the re-registration process that TRE'S and their Presidents only threatened to cancel the titles of voters who did not attend and covered up the failure of their responsibility that was free access to the people using an active strategy placing multiple point close to the people especially the layer of the poor were excluded from the process with the implementation of electronic voting machines.

       In the lights out the TRE'S tried to reverse the most wrong electoral strategy a country where the process within 30 days to complete biometrics, had only 30%, and newspapers have advance denounced electoral fraud committed by the TSE and TRE's by blocking the second round of voting in major cities, where the number voters was over 200,000 and the candidate would have to have more of the votes of 50.00% to be elected in the first round, if you have fewer than 200,000 voters will direct the candidate elected in the first round and will not have the second .The TRE's run to meet and hide their mistakes before the election put employees in Shopping Center and Bus but in the end it did not work were passive and inresponsáveis in the process.

    With the mistakes of the TSE and TRE'S who were and are blamed for the failures of biometrics have not achieved the half 100%, failed and invested in a strategy to preserve its image by placing the blame on the Brazilian people for a service strategy error in logistics ineffective whose goal was to reach the poorest, which did not occur.

     With the failure of the biometrics by TSE and TRE both became political party and illegal acts canceling the titles of voters whose base already updated in 2016 the cities that had more than 200,000 voters, now have fewer than 200,000 voters, eliminating the second round, tearing the Brazilian constitution . and killing the poorest who could not afford the endless comings and goings to be met someday

     As an example of the failure matter of Pernambuco state newspaper 14.02.2016 already warned of electoral fraud: http : //m.jc.ne10.uol.com.br/canal/politica/pernambuco/noticia/2016/02/14/olinda-paulista-e-petrolina-podem-nao-ter-segundo-turno-por-atraso -from-biometrics-220886.php. The city of Paulista state in Pernambuco had 212,000 voters in 2016 star  the election result only 193,000 voters, where the candidate had only 47% of the votes not reaching more than 50%, which should have the second round, but with the help of President of TRE-PE and the TSE, canceled without legal explanation more titles de15.000 voters to elect the city mayor in the first round.

      Request was made to TRE-PE audit the ballot box and votes and voters and determine the second tuno, the TSE was told the second round for city Paulista in Pernambuco and all of Brazil, which had more than 200,000 votes in early 2016 and after biometry and election had less than 200,000 by removing the second round of the election and should consider the data from the beginning of the year as the incompetence of the strategy of error was not the Brazilian people and the fault was the TSE and TRE'S who should assume their mistakes and take the logo of a political party.

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