domingo, 25 de dezembro de 2016


       In Brazil, in the northeast region of the state of Pernambuco, the production and distribution of drugs, wholesale and retail has been increasing over the years, the strategy is to produce for the domestic market in the state and other states of the region, as well as export, in addition Of domestic consumption.

   Transport logistics is essential in heavy drug operations such as cocaine coming from Latin American countries, through road and air transport, in operations involving aircraft landing on clandestine runways, and after the drug comes in wagons that Transports grain from the Midwest or from nearby regions, where soy and corn are planted, the drug is hidden in the carts in tires, in false ballast or sacks thrown between the grains. The strategy of drilling clandestine tax positions already demarcated or in operations on a note for two carts frees the inspection of the product, and the lack of state and federal highways scales opens the door for the freedom of drug logistics in Pernambuco and throughout Brazil.

            Through the old and famous Rio San Francisco and in the far lands of the sertão, the marijuana made in Pernambuco, produced for years is a high quality national and international highlight, operations with army and federal police are annual and punctual, since the government of Pernambuco Has no structure to eliminate and eradicate the sale of drugs in the state, because it involves several millionaires, entrepreneurs and politicians with an interest in the high profitability business of selling drugs as well as the liberation of the game house, which at each corner are released and Open and even police officers of the military police of Pernambuco make their games and their faith to see if they take a dry mile and play one and take 8,000, a big deal.

            In the operational modernity of the drug in Pernambuco, it led to a new profile of cocaine with a little plaster of cocaine-pe, mixed cocaine and gypsum both a white powder of high quality, the strategy of the big businessmen is to bring the drug in carts, and Takes it to the market in bags of fine plaster that can not identify in a loaded cart a work of high technical enterprise, the model takes the doors of the ports and leaves container sealed like plaster exporting to the world cocaine-pe of high quality and Lower reactions. The operations have already caught the drug cocaine -pe in the state of Pernambuco is missing the heads of businessmen, millionaires and politicians who made the production and operation feasible.

                 In a study the Federal Police has already tracked samples of cocaine with plaster and knows where the source and operations are in the region of Araripina, known as the Araripe pole, and should trace and locate the producers of the new drug quickly to seizure confirmed production Of the drug in the state. In logistics find the fleet of wagons coming from the Midwest and regions where they produce grain and bring the drug, on the cargoes of corn and soybeans. In the marijuana region the operation of the Military Police in the hinterland and the São Francisco River with support from the Federal Police and Army. As for the game house among others, it is expected to close them, even against actions of politicians and businessmen who are interested in any business between drugs and games that go together in Pernambuco.


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